"Who ever heard, indeed, of an autobiography that was not interesting? I can recall none in all the literature of the world."

Henry Louis Mencken, American Humorist, Journalist

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Five Steps to Set Up a Life Story Video Interview

If a full-length book of memoirs is not practical, a life story interview can be made on video. Here are the steps.

1. ORGANIZE. Gather photos, memorabilia, timelines, and family members.

2. OUTLINE.. Write an outline of topics and questions.

3. VIDEO CLIPS. Make a series of brief video clips, from a minute or so long to 10 minutes long. Shorter clips are easier to upload on the computer or send to family and friends.

4. TOPICS. Each video clip can focus on a special topic, such as "Pictures of My Childhood Home" or "The Story of Christmas Holidays in 1950."

5. MAKE CD'S. Copy the video clips onto CD's and share them with family members.

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